The violoncello piccolo is a small sized cello which
was invented by J. S. Bach to enlarge the range of making passages
in high registers more confortable. To a 4 strings cello an extra
upper string was added with the following tuning: C-G-d-a-e'.
The violoncello piccolo with 5 strings I'm building
is based on the original one from Barak
Norman (1670-1740), London 1730.
Barak Norman is considered one of the eariest maker
of cello in England . The vibrating string length of the instrument
is 57,5 cm . As most of Barak Norman's viols also this cello has
an elaborate double purfling on both belly and back as well as
some geometrical inlaid purfling decorations on the back of the
instrument and a floral design on the belly.

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Designed & created by Marco Ternovec
Copyright & copy: Marco Ternovec,
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of Marco Ternovec, Laboratorio di Liuteria Antica